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Drug Discovery, Design, and Delivery Research Group

Medicine For the Future

The Drug Discovery, Design and Delivery Research Group builds upon expertise within the School of Pharmacy and the College of Health and Science as a whole. Our work covers pre-clinical aspects of the drug discovery and development pipeline from the identification of novel drug targets, the design of new and improved drugs and antibiotics, to the development of improved methods of delivery. 

Our aims are to: 

- Identify new drug targets 

- Design and discover new drugs 

- Develop innovative approaches for drug delivery 

Our multidisciplinary group includes organic chemists, structural biologists, pharmacologists, and pharmaceutical scientists who work collaboratively to utilise state-of-the-art technologies and methodologies. We have strong links with the pharmaceutical industry and the Lincoln Institute for Agri-Food Technology, the Lincoln Institute of Rural Health, the National Centre for Food Manufacturing, and the Schools of Engineering, Chemistry, and Life Sciences. 

Group Members 

Research Staff Title and research interests 
Professor of Cellular and Molecular Biology - Uncovering the molecular basis for diabetes using molecular and cellular biological techniques. Keywords: Diabetes, beta cell biology, cell signalling, pharmacology, gene expression
Senior Lecturer - Pharmacognosy/Phytochemical Bioactivity: Anti-ageing, Antimicrobial bioactivity of Plant Extracts, and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) as Biomarkers
Senior Lecturer – Alternative Antibiotics and Vaccines
Senior Lecturer – Pharmacology and Therapeutics; Neuroscience; Pharmacy Practice
Senior Lecturer – Biomaterials, Materials science, Materials characterisation, Rheology, Polymers, Wound Healing, Drug delivery
 Associate Professor in Pharmaceutics
Senior Lecturer - Using computer-aided drug design approaches for lead discovery and lead optimization for new targets in the treatment of serious health problems like cancer, Alzheimer’s, and inflammation 
Colour image of biological cells.

Postgraduate Opportunities

If you are an aspiring postgraduate student for the School of Pharmacy and have a keen interest in one of the fields outlined above, please email our postgraduate tutor, Dr Emma Wright, using the button below.